Alchemy= Transformation…Change on a soul level
Medicine= Sustenance that provides the body with healing
AlcheMEDIC Wellness… where we do both!
Work with Kee
Alchemedic Adornments
Waistbeads are a way to express femininity. Dating back in ancient times, as well as today many African cultures, women, young girls, and babies wore beads around their waist to celebrate landmarks especially puberty, marriage, weight loss, and weight gain. These beads were made in many colors and have many different shapes as well. The colors represent different qualities and correlate with the 7 chakras. Crystals are sometimes added to bring and manifest healing properties within the human aura. Waistbeads are a beautiful tool to celebrate the divine feminine energy in an effort to increase sensuality, strength, self confidence, and wombanhood.
Alchemedic Apothecary
Browse through the herbal catalogue to figure out what works best for your needs, ailments, and dis-ease(s). Each herbal formula is crafted and tailored to different bodily systems and energy pathways. The idea behind Alchemedic Wellness’ process is not only healing but also repairing the physical body AND energetic body by clearing the pathways and strengthening its function thus creating a higher voltage and ph balance. When the human body carries high levels of energetic voltage (the rate at which fluid, blood, lymph, mucus, and secretions move) the less likely their will be a “break” in the system.
Alchemedic Spiritual Appointments
Explore wellness principles and facilitation of healing on your own schedule through a variety of services offered at Alchemedic Wellness. Whether you need an Energy Healing Session (Re-calibration of the energetic body with the use of sound healing and tools), Waistbead Adornment Session (Application and care instructions of your waistbeads and goals), Past Life Regressions, Astrology, or Wellness Coaching (Accountability, planning, and treatment options/suggestions, combined with personalized plan that is tailored to your goals, lifestyle, overall healing journey and needs. We are here to help, and have you covered.
From starter locs to mature locs, and all in between. All Loc services include wash and retwist. Additional add-ons are available such as loc sprinkles, loc styles, loc detoxes and more
Past life Regression & Quantum Healing
The process of traveling back through hypnosis to experience a past life that may still be impacting you today. You will know your name, what part of the world you lived in, if you were connected to anyone that is currently in your life, how you made a living, what was your greatest accomplishment in that life, what was your biggest setback during that time and why. You will have access to spirit realm as well as the book of akashic records. THERE IS NOTHING TO FEAR! This is you exploring you, that’s it! This body of work is meant to free the soul body from the confinements of karma, fears, guilt, and so much more!
Energy Healing
We work on the energetic body (an extension of the nervous system) in order to bring the body balance, and relaxation. Through the use of tuning forks, singing bowls, and my hands we work together to uncover imbalances that may be related to specific events that happened over the course of this lifetime that may be causing disease or pain. It takes about 3 sessions to see mindset transformation (assuming you take in suggestions, do the assigned homework, and have a deep willingness to surrender to yourself! This is you vs you (with my help guidance)! Are you ready to surrender to a better version of yourself?
ancient technology
Improve your relationship with self
Try something new
Begin exploring your relationship with self by trying ancient practices that were lost with previous generations due to stigma, discredit and a system that did not support spiritual practices. We are the change and all future generations will need. Explore Energy Healing
Target Specific Issues
If allergies, illness, or other aversions have complicated your relationship with self, a personalized plan might be right for you.